Monday, July 30, 2012

Long Overdue... Update

I have been informed by my youngest sister (and various other family members) that I am the worst blogger EVER!!! (I do believe you were all forewarned however  See original post. so I don't feel too guilty). But I decided to post a few photo updates of our summer so far.

Up until last week it has been a crazy busy summer for Charlie and I; lots of work, travel, weddings and family time for both of us! It was good but it has also been very nice just to be home for a week. I just started my new work schedule (major cut backs) which has been a huge blessing for both my health and sanity (I think Charlie would agree)!

Charlie and I took a day trip up to Fairhaven for our 6 month wedding anniversary in early May. 

Ezrah and her uncle Charlie in Wisconsin for Kier and Jacob's Wedding at the end of May.  

Charlie and his brothers (doing boy things) down in Alabama in June. 

Charlie and I in DeSoto State Park
I went off-roading for the first time, it was stressful, Charlie loved it!
(P.S. Driving around in our Toyota Camry rental car on a dirt road probably doesn't actually qualify as off-roading but it was enough for me!)

Walking Charlie to work we saw the Jeep he thinks is cool so I decided to take a picture of it with my new camera that he got me for my birthday!

Taking a break during walk around Green Lake on the 4th of July.

In Colorado for my mom's wedding in July. 

Okay well that's all I have for now. I'll try and get a little more on top of things in these next few weeks and maybe get you some updates about our little one soon too!


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