I have been informed by my youngest sister (and various other family members) that I am the worst blogger EVER!!! (I do believe you were all forewarned however
See original post. so I don't feel too guilty). But I decided to post a few photo updates of our summer so far.
Up until last week it has been a crazy busy summer for Charlie and I; lots of work, travel, weddings and family time for both of us! It was good but it has also been very nice just to be home for a week. I just started my new work schedule (major cut backs) which has been a huge blessing for both my health and sanity (I think Charlie would agree)!
Charlie and I took a day trip up to Fairhaven for our 6 month wedding anniversary in early May. |
Ezrah and her uncle Charlie in Wisconsin for Kier and Jacob's Wedding at the end of May. |
Charlie and his brothers (doing boy things) down in Alabama in June. |
Charlie and I in DeSoto State Park
I went off-roading for the first time, it was stressful, Charlie loved it!
(P.S. Driving around in our Toyota Camry rental car on a dirt road probably doesn't actually qualify as off-roading but it was enough for me!) |
Walking Charlie to work we saw the Jeep he thinks is cool so I decided to take a picture of it with my new camera that he got me for my birthday! |
Taking a break during walk around Green Lake on the 4th of July.
In Colorado for my mom's wedding in July. |
Okay well that's all I have for now. I'll try and get a little more on top of things in these next few weeks and maybe get you some updates about our little one soon too!
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