...something I actually am good at; unlike blogging, cleaning, laundry, organizing, and being productive in general!
Point being this post doesn't have much of a point, except for giving me something to do besides all the things I am supposed to be doing
(see list above for a start!).
This week Charlie had an overnight job in Westport, Wa. about 3 hours west of Seattle on the coast and because of my ginormously pregnant state his boss let me go with him! It was a nice trip to a somewhat
(understatement) creepy tiny fishing town. Charlie kept saying over and over "I come from a small town but...
Not like this!"
I didn't actually bring much with me to keep me busy, not even a camera, so here are some phone photos of the places I wandered to while the boys were working.
Fisherman's Boardwalk
Watchtower lookout.
Float 20.
So you might not think those photos are too bad, pretty little costal town, kinda. Then you step off of the sightseeing board walk and things get a little more horror movie-esque!
Welcome to small town America! Incase you were wondering, this anatomically correct (I think) alien was NOT wearing pants. |
Despite what it may look like this house has NO porch. That red door has an open hole instead of a handle and drops straight down onto a pile of rusted rubble! |
Ransacked looking boat Charlie and Clinton were fixing after it almost sank when the new owner took it out for the first time on what was supposed to be a cross country sail, in a horrible storm, without a working bilge pump. (I know very little about boats but even I could tell you that is a BAD idea!) |
Not really sure about this house at the end of a Dead End road, but in case you were interested it's for sale! |
Overall it was kind of a long week, but it was nice to spend the end of it with Charlie. We are home now, my rib is slowly healing, still very sore but healing. We are hoping to spend the weekend getting the house ready for the little man. Charlie is up in Shoreline fixing my car and clearly accomplishing a lot more than I am
(he just called and things are a lot worse than we thought)! I have a doctors appointment on Monday so maybe we will know a little more about the plan for Asher Finn's arrival after that, but maybe not, who knows? I hope you are all enjoying the fall weather.
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