Alright, I think that worked so here is my attempt at Part 2, Black & White photos of the actual fortress part of the Fort and a story below about the little complication we ran into towards the end of the weekend!
Playing with overgrown sea kelp. |
Puget Sound from the top of the Fort. |
Gun tower. |
Walking through the inner halls. |
Hanging out! |
Boys being boys! (Notice Asher's belly shadow standing watch over his dad!) |
Ammunition elevator. |
It was a wonderful fall weekend away but not without its difficulties (you would think that by this point I would have just learned to expect complications!) When we left on Friday I was getting over a bad cold/respiratory infection but I was hoping that a few days away relaxing outdoors would help me get over it. It did... in a way. I feel like the cold was slowly getting better but I was still coughing a lot Friday night! By Saturday my ribs on the left side were so sore from coughing (and from Asher and his hard little bum being wedged up underneath the ribs on that side) that it was difficult to cough and take deep breaths but I spent a long time walking through the Fort and it was refreshing to get out and be a little active. But by Sunday I was having a much harder time breathing (because of rib pain not the infection) and was having to curl up and brace myself each time I coughed. As we were packing to leave Sunday morning Asher kicked a few times right underneath those ribs that were so painful that it sent me into a coughing fit, after that I had a hard time even standing up right. Charlie had to help me do just about everything that day, even walking would send my rib muscles into spasms that were excruciating. Luckily I had an appointment scheduled with my OB Monday so I just had to make it through the night.
By Monday things were not any better, it took me almost 2 1/2 hours just to get out of bed, shower and get dressed for my appointment. By the time I got there my blood pressure was pretty elevated and I was in tears. It didn't take my doctor long to determine that I had most likely fractured the lower false rib on my left side. She said there was a chance that I could have torn the intercostal muscle attached to that rib also but she said either way there was not much they could do about it. They gave me some meds to try and help with the pain that are safe for the baby but I'm trying to take as few of them as possible. Other than that it is back to more 'bedrest' for me (a least a week or two) to try and let the rib heal.
The good news is that the little man is doing well, he had his first official Non-Stress Test at the doctors office (since I wouldn't be going into work this week to do one myself) and he looked good, not quite as lively as usual but he passed. We've got another one Friday so maybe I can post another update after that one! I hope you guys are enjoying the fall weather, I for one love it!! It makes me feel like we are getting closer to actually getting to meet this little man, making it more real for me I guess. I personally think tomorrow would be a pretty cool birthday 10/11/12, huh? But if you asked me everyday I could probably think of a reason any of those days would be cool! (We still actually have 6 more weeks so I am trying to learn to improve my patience!)
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Cute pictures sister. Your body is hanging on by a thread. haha miss you and that naughty a.f.a. Is it possible to miss someone you've never met?
:) Thanks sister. We miss you guys too! I hope you and the 'little biscuit' are doing well (E and J too)!!! We can't wait to meet him, 4-6 more weeks hopefully! Then I'll have lots of pictures to post!