Friday, June 8, 2012

Anatomy & Gender Ultrasound

In-spite of all the craziness I was able to get to my ultrasound before they admitted me to the hospital. They didn't go through the results with me much before they shipped me over to the main hospital but they told me that the baby looks good and all of the 16-week checks they did were normal. One other important piece of information that I did get from the ultrasound however was the gender! 

SPOILER ALERT: If you don't want to know the gender of our little one please don't keep reading, or do,  just be warned...

I did get some cute pictures of the little guy! He's getting too big to fit all in the same screen but I think I have a cute profile shot to post. Enjoy!

This is apparently a photo of his feet, they looked much clearer on the ultrasound. 

P.S. Charlie was right all along, it is a BOY!
Look at him! He is getting so big. 
...and I might be biased but I think he's pretty cute!

 That's his left hand across his face looking down from the top of his head.

That's all I've got for right now. I'm still hoping for an early discharge but it looks like I might have to be here till at least 8pm... sad. 

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  1. I am crying!!! He is sooooo beautiful (I might be biased too :)
    STay safe little guy...
    Caiters-hope you are home soon and that this will be your last hospital visit until he is born!
    Love all three of you

  2. And Charlie--you are amazing-thank you thank you thank you!!!!

  3. BABY BOY!!!!!!!! Your little cousin Ezrah is getting excited to beat on you:)

    Love all three of you.

  4. I agree with Auntie MB I hope this is the last hospital stay pre baby :( You charlie and baby boy are both in my thoughts. Keep up the good work Care taker Charlie and Cait stay strong and healthy. Also my cube neighbor at work was just talking to me about his continuous monitor and how it has helped him so much I hope this is the case for you as well.

    Ps So exciting to have a cousin-nephew to go with E my cousin-niece.

    Love to everyone!
